When information from pages is submitted, it is received by a server Controller. Which controller receives the information depends on the action that was fired and the application navigation that is defined within the Studio. Within these controllers, you can use the submitted information, perform additional business logic, access databases, call remote services, etc. You can also define how to return any information back to the browser and which page should be used to display the returned information.
You can access controllers from using the right-click context menu on the Application Map tab or the Open Controller Rules link on the right hand panel of the Application Map when a Controller has been selected. For Java controllers, ensure the Java option is selected on the right hand panel.
Receiving calls from other applications on the server
Each Action Link that is painted on the Application Map tab is available for invocation over HTTP. The action request will be processed, together with any supplied parameters and forwarded to the linked Controller for further processing. The invocations can be via URL, basic HTTP or SOAP.